Providing an environment that is respectful of religious convictions where the next generation of leaders and advocates can reap the benefits of competing in speech, debate, and model congress.
Letting All Students Compete
The Citron District is the first district to make it possible for Jewish students who observe Shabbat and others who can not compete on Friday or Saturday to compete in National Speech and Debate Association competitions. We believe that every student, regardless of religious convictions, should be able to compete in speech and debate at the highest level. Chartered in 2022, the Citron District is a non-profit organization that enables all high school students to compete in speech, debate, and model congress.
We provide coaching and facilitate competitive Speech and Debate events for students across the United States, run summer camps to train students and send students to compete for the NSDA National Championship.
Upcoming events.
Thank You to Our Supporters
Student Testimonials
“Throughout the whole process of getting ready for Nationals the Citron District was supporting us. They provided logistics but most importantly to us was the coaching which helped us develop our skills that would allow us to hold our ground while competing in the National Circuit.”
Joshua Reich (Katz Yeshiva High School - Class of 2025)
“Being able to be among the first to attend Nationals this year was an honor, and I am so grateful for the opportunity. Because of my rigorous preparation with the Citron District I was able to set myself apart from the 1,040 entries in Extemp Debate and make it into the elimination rounds.”
Michal Mari (HAFTR High School - Class of 2024)
“Thanks to Congress, I've learned how to form strong opinions with facts and data to back them up while also being open to hearing others' perspectives. I've researched and learned about topics I would have never thought I needed to know. Whether it was about the government and politics, global issues, current events, social and environmental issues, or controversy. I can confidently say that this experience has broadened my knowledge in ways I never expected.”
Maya Karasanti (HAFTR High School - Class of 2024)
“When approached to join the Worlds Schools Debate Team at Nationals I was initially apprehensive if I could learn and improve in a new format of debate to compete at a national level. It turns out that I had nothing to fear, we made a great team and all performed well. This has also been the most interesting and fun experience of my life.”
Sam Passner (The Idea High School - Class of 2023)
“Citron made me even more competitive! Next year I hope to turn my team into a top Citron member school, and personally break into elimination rounds at next year's National Tournament.”
Daniel Stien (Rambam Mesivta - Class of 2025)
“Joshua and I learned that we weren’t the only ones feeling ‘Imposter Syndrome.’ Everyone there was just as anxious as we were, so instead of it being a source of shame it became a source of comradery. We were all in this together.”
Yosef Norman (Katz Yeshiva High School - Class of 2025)